The Seta KV-2 is a two place low temperature viscosity bath designed to achieve ultra-high stability in the temperature range of +20 °C to -40 °C. The bath offers high stability of and ±0.01 at -20°C. Temperature is measured by a PT100 probe, a twin display shows the current and set temperature.
The instrument has a small footprint and is ideally suited for busy labs. It is fully self contained and requires no external chillers or connections. A heated top plate and viewing window prevent condensation and ice formation. The easy to use controller features large 13 mm digits and high intensity, long life ultra-bright LED lighting ensures clear bath visibility at all times.
ASTM D445 ASTM D446 IP 71 BS 188 BS 2000-71-2 & ISO 3105 BS EN ISO 3104 & BS 2000-71.1 & ISO 3104